
The patient I used to demo IT band syndrome in the video presented with ankle pain from a fracture that happened to her left ankle years ago and every time that she stresses her knee, that knee pain comes back.



The start of the treatment consisted of checking the alignment of the foot, ankle, knee, hips, and pelvis. We like to check the alignment in these areas to help us alleviate mechanical stress that may be contributing to lateral knee pain.


Soft Tissue:

Scar tissue can lead to improper muscle firing. To address the soft tissue, I use different techniques and different tools. In this example, I used cupping to help break up that scar tissue along the IT band. To finish it off, I utilize acupuncture.


For more information on IT band syndrome or other musculoskeletal conditions of the lower extremities, feel free to reach us at Forward Spine Center.

Dr. Madeline Klesk

Dr. Madeline Klesk

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