Preparing for Your Child’s First Visit


To help ease any anxiety before your first appointment, here are a few tips:


1. Keep the Conversation Light and Positive:

Explain to your child what they can expect at their appointment. Compare it to visiting the dentist—just as the dentist keeps their teeth clean, a chiropractor helps keep their spine and body healthy. Reassure them that our techniques are gentle and can help alleviate pain, improve posture, and make them feel better.


2. Encourage Open Communication:

Let your child know that it’s okay to ask questions and express any feelings of discomfort or nervousness. We want them to feel safe and comfortable, so we welcome any concerns they might have.


3. Practice Relaxation Techniques:

Teach your child simple relaxation exercises, like deep breathing—smelling the flowers and blowing out the candles—to help them feel more in control and reduce tension.


4. Bring Comfort Items:

Consider bringing along a favorite stuffed animal or toy. Familiar items can provide comfort during the appointment. We’re even happy to give their stuffed animal a little “adjustment” before we start!


5. Scheduling Tips for Infants:  

If you're bringing an infant, try to schedule the appointment right after a feeding, when they’re well-rested and in a good mood. This can help create a more positive experience for both you and your baby. Don’t forget to bring a diaper bag and a comfortable outfit, as adjustments can sometimes lead to a relaxed (and messy) baby!


Creating a Comfortable Experience


At Forward Spine Center, we aim to make every visit as comfortable and positive as possible. Arriving a little early can help your child acclimate to the environment, and staying supportive and reassuring throughout the process will go a long way in making this a positive experience.


I’m here to support your family’s health journey, and I look forward to seeing you and your little one soon. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Warm regards,  

Dr. Madeline  

Forward Spine Center

Dr. Madeline Klesk

Dr. Madeline Klesk

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