1. Stack Your Body

Good posture is key. Keep your head, shoulders, and hips in a straight line. When your head leans forward, it puts extra strain on your neck muscles. Keep your head aligned with your body.


2. Chin Retractions

Strengthen your neck by pulling your head back and tucking your chin. Sit or stand tall and imagine pressing your head against a wall. This keeps your neck muscles strong and your head aligned.


3. Shoulder Squeezes

While sitting, inhale, and as you exhale, pull your shoulder blades together. Tighten your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine. This helps strengthen your back and core.


4. Move Often

Get up and move every 30 minutes. Changing positions often helps your posture and boosts productivity.


Take care of your neck and posture, and say goodbye to Tech Neck!



Dr. Madeline  

Forward Spine Center

Dr. Madeline Klesk

Dr. Madeline Klesk

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