Exercise 1: Forward Toe Press

Start by standing near a wall for support. Position your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your body straight. Shift your weight onto your toes by bending at the ankles, lifting your heels slightly off the floor. Hold briefly, then return to the starting position. Repeat this motion slowly and with control.


Exercise 2: Arch Raises

Place the tips of your toes onto a rolled-up towel or yoga mat. Shift your weight to the outer edge of your feet and begin to raise your arches. Next, lift your heels while pressing firmly into your toes. Gradually move your weight from the outer to the inner forefoot. Aim for four sets of 25 reps with minimal rest between sets. For an added challenge, slightly bend your knees during the last two sets. Finish the exercise by holding your heels one inch off the floor for 60 seconds while maintaining balance without touching the wall.


Exercise 3: Single-Leg Stands

Stand on one leg and slightly bend your knee, holding the position for 30 seconds. As you gain more confidence, increase the difficulty by closing your eyes or standing on a pillow. Switch legs and repeat the process.


Consistency is key, and you should start seeing improvements in your balance over time. Give yourself the time and patience needed to build strength. If you have any questions or need guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help!

Dr. Madeline Klesk

Dr. Madeline Klesk

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