During pregnancy, our linea alba, a piece of fascia, stretches to accommodate the growing baby. Postpartum, we aim for this tissue to fuse back together, but in about one-third of women, it remains separated, leading to Diastasis Recti (DR).
There are several risk factors for DR. Firstly, pregnancy, although it's not exclusive to pregnant individuals. Secondly, increased baby weight, larger babies, or greater maternal weight gain during pregnancy. Thirdly, multiple pregnancies and fourthly, C-sections, which can cause scarring and weaken the core muscles.
Traumas during pregnancy, such as falls or hip and back pain, can also contribute to DR by creating adhesions or scar tissue that further separates the muscles.
Signs of diastasis recti include neck and back pain due to weakened core muscles, umbilical hernia, pelvic floor dysfunction, and the visible coning or protrusion of abdominal tissue.
If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's crucial to address your core strength and breathing before considering surgery for umbilical hernia, as surgery can exacerbate weakness and pain. Pelvic floor exercises can also help strengthen the core muscles.
In our next video, I'll demonstrate how to self-evaluate for diastasis recti and share some stretches and exercises you can do at home to address it. Thank you for letting me be a part of your health journey. I'm Dr. Madeline from Forward Spine Center.
Dr. Madeline Klesk
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